“No, I can't remember our engagement date. But I remember you wore weird socks that night.“
– Is that you? Then you should read this article.
This article is inspired by The Choice Factory. A book written by Richard Shotton about cognitive biases in marketing and everyday life. Read another article from this series.
It’s a beautiful morning. You’re going to work. Soon you’ll be running in that 9 to 5 corporate hamster wheel again. Well, so what? Exercise gives you endorphins. The weather is too good to be depressed. But wait! “Why don’t I treat myself?” You mumble. There’s no rush to get to those spreadsheets. Your favourite coffee place is just around the corner…
You arrive at your destination. Coffee scent lies lazily on your nose. But there’s a little problem. Or ten little problems to be exact. „Oh no,“ you moan. A queue of 10 people is standing in front of you. All want to treat themselves. “Goddamn coffee-sucking leeches!” You swear while peaking at people. You don’t want to stumble upon somebody you know from work. You’re in no mood for a small talk.
It’s safe. Nobody’s here. Not even that annoying little Maggie. The accountant who loves to shove photos of her dog in your face. Only people in suits, jackets, hoodies, and one wacko in yellow coveralls and a cylinder.
Finally! After 15 minutes you get your coffee and then join the other hamsters. You're in a good mood. Work will go smoothly today. Hope Maggie won't bring the new Polaroids…
When you get home that night, you’re happy. Another fruitful day. You take a shower and get straight to bed. You close your eyes. Now, what are you dreaming about?
Maggie's dog
Wacko in a yellow suit and a cylinder
Any guesses? Okay, a little research first.
The Von Restorff Effect makes you remember things
In 1933 a scientist called Hedwig von Restorff summoned a group of people. She shoved to their faces a list similar to this one:
FVG / YSD / LFK / 345 / OZQ / CCD / ALD
She realized almost everybody remembered the three numbers. Because they stood out. “People tend to remember things and events that stand out,“ she said and named it the Von Restorff Effect. It’s also known as the Isolation Effect.
Brands are terrified to stand out
Richard Shotton tried to copy Von Restorff. He presented a group of people with 11 logos of car brands and one fast food logo. According to his findings, people were 4 times more likely to remember the fast food logo over cars. (And no, they were not “simply hungry as fuck.“ He checked.)
Being different works. People remember your brand. People remember you. And People buy what they remember. So why don’t we strive to stand out more?
The answers are the same in marketing and everyday life.
We listen to experience
Seems reasonable to copy a good example. If other beer companies support Ice Hockey tournaments, our beer company should do the same. Beer and watching sports go hand in hand very well indeed. The only problem is that at the end of the game, people will remember that “funny beer commercial.” They won’t be saying: “Pilsner is the best.”
Maybe next time try to mix things up a little. Do a commercial spot for ballet. There might be fewer beer enthusiasts watching, but everybody will remember you.
We listen to data
What is more reasonable than that? “Study shows that beer drinkers watch hockey. So let's partner up with hockey teams!“
Yes. Trends are strong. That does not mean you can’t start a new one. And maybe, if you play your cards right, in 5 years studies will show that beer drinkers love tutus and Swan Lakes.
We don’t want to be responsible
There is no certainty in life. And in marketing. Bringing something fresh and new means amazing things for you – if it will pay out. And a disaster if you lose. Not many people like putting more stress into their lives.
We are wired to search for the group, not stand out from one!
In 1984 Robert Cialdini called this psychological bias the Social Proof. He proved that people without much conscious thought copy the actions of others in choosing how to behave in a certain situation.
Since the beginning of time, we have been used to living in groups. Acting as others is one of our strongest internal needs. It kept us alive during the prehistoric times.
When the rest of the group ran, we ran. We did not wait to see the sabre-toothed tiger to realize why they were running. We did what others do. Without thinking. And that’s why we survived.
Even people who stand out usually do it to prove their loyalty to some group. Metalheads, punkers, judges. All of them do weird things with their hair to belong.
It almost feels unnatural to stand out. And It looks unnatural too – if you do it for the benefit of others.
Try to ditch the opinions of others, channel your inner freak, and do something that resonates with you.
Maybe it will stand out. Maybe not that much. But it will work. In marketing and everyday life.
Correct answer:
C. Wacko in a yellow suit and a cylinder
Source: Richard Shotton | The Choice Factory
Read more: Healing Article about Social Proof